February is Black History Month, an annual celebration of achievements by Black Americans. The Academy of Art Library has curated this page of online library resources related to Black artists, art movements, and Black history. We've included e-books, streaming video, digital magazine articles, and more.
If you have any questions, or need help finding additional resources, feel free to reach out to Rikki Moore, Library Director, for assistance.
Our e-book collection features hundreds of titles focused on Black history. Here are just a few examples of what's available. You can access Ebook Central through the library's Online Resources page.
Amy Sherald's captivating paintings offer a profound glimpse into the lives and experiences of Black individuals, rendered in her signature style that combines vibrant colors with a sense of dignity and grace. As you wander through the gallery, you'll encounter works that challenge stereotypes, celebrate identity, and convey powerful narratives. Each piece serves as a window into the artist's vision, inviting you to reflect on the richness and diversity of Black heritage. Whether you're an art enthusiast or a curious observer, Amy Sherald's creations promise an inspiring and enlightening experience that underscores the importance of representation and storytelling in art.
Amy Sherald, ‘A Midsummer Afternoon Dream,’ 2021
Amy Sherald: American Sublime
November 16, 2024–March 9, 2025
Explore the Library's digital resources by using keywords like "Black history," "African American," "Harlem Renaissance," and "Black Arts Movement." You can also combine terms, such as "animation" and "African American," to uncover resources related to Black artists and history. Below are a few databases to consider.
Search all of the journals and magazines in Academic Search Premier, Art Source, and OmniFile Full Text Select with only one search!
JSTOR is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources.
You can find all of the digital magazines the library subscribes to via the Flipster Magazine link on the Library's Online Resources webpage.