13,000+ full text e-books in over 18 subjects, including art, history, and technology.
Search all of the journals and magazines in Academic Search Premier, Art Source, and OmniFile Full Text Select with only one search!
Access to over 630 full-text journals and more than 220 full-text books on art topics including advertising, architecture, art history, computers in art, fashion design, folk art, graphic design, landscape architecture, motion pictures, photography, and more.
JSTOR is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources.
Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video platform for public libraries and universities that offers viewers a large collection of award-winning films and documentaries. The Academy of Art University subscribes to a subset of available films on the Kanopy platform focused on Art, Design, and Film studies.
Search over 330,000 images, including over 114,000 works of art from the collections of contributing museums, universities and archives. Architectural photographs, gardens and landscapes, political Americana, historical maps, fashion plate collections and much more.
13,000+ full text e-books in over 18 subjects, including art, history, and technology.
EBSCO eBooks offers a small collection of e-book titles that are required or recommended in Academy of Art University courses.
Includes images and data from across the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, nine research centers, libraries, archives, and the National Zoo.
Use the Course Reserves page on the Library website to search for required textbooks.
Access magazines online from the Exact Editions Fashion and Culture Collection and the Architecture Collection.
Access Art and Design magazines online from a computer or download them to a smartphone or tablet using the Flipster mobile app for offline reading.
Database comprised of a growing collection of over 50,000 artworks and 11,000 artists from hundreds of galleries, museums and foundations. More than 25,000 images are currently in the public domain, and available for download for teaching and research purposes
Almost 800,000 records in this database have images available for research purposes, some with multiple views.
Explore millions of digital resources from Europe's museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections, including images, texts, sound, and videos.
Search across several of the Getty repositories, including collections databases, library catalogs, collection inventories, and archival finding aids. Thousands of images are now available without restrictions and free of charge through the Open Content Program.
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. The site hosts Wayback Machine, a searchable archive of the internet's past. Other strengths include retro video games and software, audiobooks, historic manuscripts, newspapers, and other special collections. Make a free account to borrow from a huge online selection of popular books.
Contains over 100,000 images that are copyright cleared for educational and research usage. Images are organized into 44 distinct collections that range from textiles to graphic design to photography.
Step 1. Types of Information
Books & E-Books | Videos & Images | Articles | Internet Resources | Periodical Publications | Government and Corporate | One Perfect Source?
Step 2. Search Strategies
Know your information need | Develop a topic | Refine a topic | Identify Keywords | Search Strings
Step 3. Resource Evaluation
The CRAAP Method | Primary vs Secondary Sources
Step 4: Ethical Use of Information
Incorporate Source Material | Plagiarism | Copyright, Fair Use, and Appropriation | Writing Strategies
Step 5: Citation
MLA Format | MLA Examples | APA Format | APA Examples | Chicago Format | Chicago Examples | Annotated Bibliographies
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If you would like individual research help, you can also use the Ask a Librarian link above to schedule an appointment with a librarian for a research consultation. You can meet with a librarian online or on the phone.
This service is available to currently enrolled Academy of Art University students and faculty only.
Illustration is a diverse and constantly evolving area of art and design and an appealing creative career. But to stand out from the crowd, successful illustrators need to combine creative talent with strong marketing and promotional skills. Becoming a Successful Illustrator provides practical and inspirational guidance on finding and contacting clients, putting together promotional materials and establishing yourself as a professional illustrator.
For over 30 years, Dilys Evans has been deeply involved in the fine art of children's book illustration. In 1980 she founded The Original Art, an annual exhibition in New York featuring the best children's book illustration of the year. Now, in this fascinating exploration of children's book illustration, she focuses on the work of 12 contemporary illustrators. Looking at the wide variety of artistic genius in children's books.
his guide to the ins and outs of today's dynamic illustration business tells budding illustrators everything that their teacher didn't know, or their art director didn't tell them. Using an entertaining, running narrative format to look at key concerns every illustrator must face today, this book covers finding one's unique style and establishing a balance between art and commerce.
This book is aimed at students and illustrators who are looking to create artworks to fulfill a specific brief, as part of their course, job or career. It leads the reader through the whole thinking process, not just of creation but from the basic essentials which are often overlooked. It explores the very foundations which underpin the choices made in creating an artwork: How is illustration used today? Who is the target audience? How is the image used to convey information? What is the message?