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In Producing Great Sound for Film and Video, Fourth Edition audio guru Jay Rose revises his popular text for a new generation of filmmakers. You'll learn practical, time-saving ways to get better recordings, solve problems with existing audio, create compelling tracks, and boost your filmmaking to the next level! Here you'll find real-world advice and practical guidelines for every aspect of your soundtrack: planning and budgeting, field and studio recording, editing, sound effects and music, audio repair, processing, and mixing.
Record, arrange, mix, produce, and polish your audio files with this best-selling, Apple-certified guide to Logic Pro X 10.4. Veteran producer and composer David Nahmani uses step-bystep, project-based instructions and straightforward explanations to teach everything from basic music creation to sophisticated production techniques. Using the book's downloadable lesson files and Logic Pro X, you'll begin making music in the first lesson. From there, learn to record audio and MIDI data, create and edit sequences, and master mixing and automation techniques such as submixing with track stacks.
Welcome to Game Audio Programming: Principles and Practices! This book is the first of its kind: an entire book dedicated to the art of game audio programming. With over fifteen chapters written by some of the top game audio programmers and sound designers in the industry, this book contains more knowledge and wisdom about game audio programming than any other volume in history. One of the goals of this book is to raise the general level of game audio programming expertise, so it is written in a manner that is accessible to beginners, while still providing valuable content for more advanced game audio programmers.
This book introduces a subject that will be new to many- sonic arts. The application of sound to other media (such as film or video) is well known and the idea of sound as a medium in its own right (such as radio) is also widely accepted. However, the idea that sound could also be a distinct art form by itself is less well established and often misunderstood. The Fundamentals of Sonic Arts & Sound Design introduces, describes and begins the process of defining this new subject and to provide a starting point for anyone who has an interest in the creative uses of sound.
Sound for Film and Television, Third Edition provides a thorough introduction to the fascinating field of recording, editing, mixing, and exhibiting film and television sound. It strikes a fine balance between aesthetic and technical content, combining theory and practice to approach sound as both an art and a science. This new edition has been completely updated to reflect the latest advances in HD technology, new hardware and software systems, new distribution methods, wireless sound capture, and more. Also, analog-related content has been reduced and transferred to the chapters covering historical techniques. Sections on troubleshooting and FAQs have been added to help you avoid common pitfalls in sound production.